Monday, August 22, 2011

A busy day and a happy ending...

... on the Glee Project. Not a busy day on there, although I imagine it might've been. I meant it was a happy ending. For me, at least. The final four were comprised of two people I was really hoping would make it, one person whose future i could care less about, and one person who has been pissing me off and i wanted to see their soul get crushed when they got the news they didn't win. I was hoping for Sam and Damien, didn't care much about Lindsay, and wanted to squash Alex with my size 7 shoe. Fortunately, both Sam and Damien won. Lazy Sunday, I know. I made up for it today. Got up at 6:45 to eat before swimming. 8:00, we did strength training and 20 minutes of running, then at 9 we got in the pool and did warm up, then a kicking set in the diving well, then cool down. Then grocery shopping, then lunch, then GoodWill, Cole's Music, Younkers, the Doctor's, and now I'm home again. I still have stuff to do, like walk the dog and a load of wash, basic house work kind of stuff. Right now, though, I'm going to prepare my dinner. I love food. Bye.

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