Saturday, August 20, 2011

So that swimming diet...

... I was talking about isn't really that bad. I just can't eat cookies or peanut butter or foods with over 20g of fat or exceeds 230 calories per however much I take. I swim about 16 hours a week, which might sound impressive, but the workouts vary. Some days It's like i'm at an army boot camp, other days it's like I'm a five year old in swimming lessons. The whole reason I'm doing this is to regain muscle. I had my upper and lower jaws broken at the beginning of the summer, and if you've never had a broken jaw, then you maybe don't know that for the six weeks your jaw is wired shut, there is literally nothing you can do or chew. no jogging, swimming, biking, long distance walking, or chewing any foods of any kind. Yeah, six weeks of couch potato-ing and drinking turkey through a straw. That's how Wisconsinites do. Anyway, over those six weeks I lost 12 pounds, 8 of which were muscle. So now I have low fat, high protein meal supplement things that I eat instead of actual food. At this point in the reading, I'd like you to imagine the beach boys singing about fun fun fun in the sun sun sun all day. if possible. Please do that. In fact, every day after reading this I want you to set aside one minute to just have that daydream. For me. Please. If you don't like the beach boys, then any Beatles song will do as a filler. Except Eleanor Rigby or I am the Walrus. Those two are just depressing and creepy. I should end this before the incessant babbling becomes unbearable. bye.

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