Monday, October 3, 2011

Failure to Complete Goals in an Adequate Fashion

SO school has began once more. It hasn't been too bad, I had to drop "accelerated calculus preparation" because I signed up for the course not knowing there was a pre-requisite. Pre-requisites are put in place for a reason, that reason being so people like me, who have none of the prior knowledge required to take that class, don't get into that class. I dropped it and took a AP World History instead, because History is my favorite subject. Don't judge. Anyways, about this Failed goals thing. i was previously on a swimming diet, I failed that at my Grandma's house when she made baked macaroni. mmmmmm... I couldn't help myself. Then I tried getting back on the wagon and miserably failed again. Several times. I also told myself that I would get all my homework done for the first month, that one was doomed from the start. I never get my homework done, I just read and review and write down what I need to know. None of this analytical questions bull. Those were really the two main goals I set for myself, pretty simple ones. So, when faced with defeat, try try again. I've set three new goals, and here they are:
Goal One: Vegetarian until Thanksgiving. (I was a vegetarian for about three years, but I wasn't getting enough iron or protein and it was making me sick. I'll practice vegetarianism the proper way this time.)
Goal Two: Get A's on two tests in two different subjects
Goal Three: Swim a 200 in under 2:40

So those are my goals. I will kick ass. Because I'm awesome. Alrighty then. bye.

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