Monday, October 3, 2011

Failure to Complete Goals in an Adequate Fashion

SO school has began once more. It hasn't been too bad, I had to drop "accelerated calculus preparation" because I signed up for the course not knowing there was a pre-requisite. Pre-requisites are put in place for a reason, that reason being so people like me, who have none of the prior knowledge required to take that class, don't get into that class. I dropped it and took a AP World History instead, because History is my favorite subject. Don't judge. Anyways, about this Failed goals thing. i was previously on a swimming diet, I failed that at my Grandma's house when she made baked macaroni. mmmmmm... I couldn't help myself. Then I tried getting back on the wagon and miserably failed again. Several times. I also told myself that I would get all my homework done for the first month, that one was doomed from the start. I never get my homework done, I just read and review and write down what I need to know. None of this analytical questions bull. Those were really the two main goals I set for myself, pretty simple ones. So, when faced with defeat, try try again. I've set three new goals, and here they are:
Goal One: Vegetarian until Thanksgiving. (I was a vegetarian for about three years, but I wasn't getting enough iron or protein and it was making me sick. I'll practice vegetarianism the proper way this time.)
Goal Two: Get A's on two tests in two different subjects
Goal Three: Swim a 200 in under 2:40

So those are my goals. I will kick ass. Because I'm awesome. Alrighty then. bye.

Monday, August 22, 2011

A busy day and a happy ending...

... on the Glee Project. Not a busy day on there, although I imagine it might've been. I meant it was a happy ending. For me, at least. The final four were comprised of two people I was really hoping would make it, one person whose future i could care less about, and one person who has been pissing me off and i wanted to see their soul get crushed when they got the news they didn't win. I was hoping for Sam and Damien, didn't care much about Lindsay, and wanted to squash Alex with my size 7 shoe. Fortunately, both Sam and Damien won. Lazy Sunday, I know. I made up for it today. Got up at 6:45 to eat before swimming. 8:00, we did strength training and 20 minutes of running, then at 9 we got in the pool and did warm up, then a kicking set in the diving well, then cool down. Then grocery shopping, then lunch, then GoodWill, Cole's Music, Younkers, the Doctor's, and now I'm home again. I still have stuff to do, like walk the dog and a load of wash, basic house work kind of stuff. Right now, though, I'm going to prepare my dinner. I love food. Bye.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Zebra Stripes!

Today was the first time I have ever been inside a Dollar General store. I will most likely be making a stop there again. We passed on our way home from church and my dad decides to check it out. Probably because we've been going to the same church for four years, have passed that dollar general every sunday and wednesday for four years, and have never once been inside. So today we made that pit stop. For the most part, it was unimpressive. Kind of a scaled down Walgreens or CVS, though I'll admit they had a pretty imposing dog food selection. I wandered around for about three minutes before stumbling upon the non-refrigerated foods area of the store. Now, I'm on a swimming diet, but that doesn't mean I can't longingly admire Coconut M&M's or products made by Elves that bake inside of trees. So, there was I, in Paradise Isle (get it?) wishing for something I couldn't have, when I spotted it. A remnant from my childhood, a memory from when I was between the ages of 6 and 11. Zebra Stripes Gum. If you are unfamiliar with the principle of Zebra Stripes, it is deliciously fruity flavored gum that has Zebra temporary tattoos on the wrapper. The area below my thumb is now proudly sporting a surfing zebra, until I shower. This discovery of gum may have no impact on your life, but for me, it transformed "just another day" into "A fucking incredible day". So good, I needed to use profanity. I think i'll put a skateboarding zebra on my wrist now. bye.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

So that swimming diet...

... I was talking about isn't really that bad. I just can't eat cookies or peanut butter or foods with over 20g of fat or exceeds 230 calories per however much I take. I swim about 16 hours a week, which might sound impressive, but the workouts vary. Some days It's like i'm at an army boot camp, other days it's like I'm a five year old in swimming lessons. The whole reason I'm doing this is to regain muscle. I had my upper and lower jaws broken at the beginning of the summer, and if you've never had a broken jaw, then you maybe don't know that for the six weeks your jaw is wired shut, there is literally nothing you can do or chew. no jogging, swimming, biking, long distance walking, or chewing any foods of any kind. Yeah, six weeks of couch potato-ing and drinking turkey through a straw. That's how Wisconsinites do. Anyway, over those six weeks I lost 12 pounds, 8 of which were muscle. So now I have low fat, high protein meal supplement things that I eat instead of actual food. At this point in the reading, I'd like you to imagine the beach boys singing about fun fun fun in the sun sun sun all day. if possible. Please do that. In fact, every day after reading this I want you to set aside one minute to just have that daydream. For me. Please. If you don't like the beach boys, then any Beatles song will do as a filler. Except Eleanor Rigby or I am the Walrus. Those two are just depressing and creepy. I should end this before the incessant babbling becomes unbearable. bye.

Hi, my name is...

...Sarah. My name is Sarah. I felt there was no need to be secretive about my first name, it is a fairly standard one. I suppose this is the part where I should explain to you what I'm going to be writing, or blogging, about. For the first few weeks it will be about my frustrations with the swimming diet I have voluntarily partaken in, and probably some stuff about my Junior year of High School that starts in two weeks. Later on it might be something about literature, or possibly still the swimming diet, mayhaps I'll show you my near-non-existence artsy side. If I ever get a camera, pictures. I live in Wisconsin, where the weather starts out beautiful, then gets crappy, then lands somewhere in between, then goes back to beautiful. Other than that, It'll pretty much be day to day stuff, hopefully positive, occasionally pessimistic, and every once in a while I'll have a small existencialist crisis. So there's the basic introduction. I'll do something later today about the swimming diet.